Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Connecting to a local Team Foundation Server

Here are details of how to connect to TFS for all your Source Control needs within VS2010/2008.
  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. From the “Team” menu select “Connect to Team Foundation Server..”
  3. Click “Servers”
  4. Click “Add”
  5. Enter the URL for the server e.g. “:8080/tfs">http://<server>:8080/tfs” in the Name field and Click “OK” and Click “Close”.

     6. Select the projects you want to have access too and click “Connect”.

    7. Select “Team Explorer” from the bottom right; Then click the “Source Control Node”; Then “Not Mapped” and Finally enter a local directory on which you will store the code.
    8.  Click “Map” and “Yes” if you are prompted to to a Get.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Customising CSV export in Business Objects

Classic thing today, something that should be very, very simple turned out to be a total pain.  Using the Business Objects fat client you can choose any CSV export parameter you wish to use, however on the InfoView interface these options a read-only!  This is really silly as the engine to generate the reports is exactly the same. 

To get around the problem required a bit of hacking on the underlying InfoView scripts.  this is probably not support by Business Objects, but it was a fairly simple change.

All that is needed is to edit two files (why two? well I’ve no idea, but figured it was safer to do both): \scripts\CSVoptions.js and \html\CSVOptionsDialogue.html which are located in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\java\server\work\APAPPBO01.WebApplicationContainerServer\businessobjects\AnalyticalReporting\12\AnalyticalReporting-12.war\viewers\cdz_adv\language\en” folder.

The code change is simple;

arr=separators.split(' ');


arr=(separators+' |').split(' ');

Note: You’ll need to reboot the server as TomCat will not register the change.. weird…