Monday, October 26, 2009

Adding an Application Icon using MonoTouch

Minor thing this time, I just wanted to add an icon to my application and wanted to see how that could be done with MonoTouch.

First off you need a PNG files, on a Mac its easy to get a PNG by just using the <Shift><Command>4 command. I happened to we watch Dr Who at the time so I dragged it across the area I wanted and bingo I get the file on my Desktop.

Now we create a folder called Resources in the project solution by right clicking the project and selecting Add / New Folder and enter the name "Resources". Next you drag the PNG file from the desktop into the folder and select "Copy" from the dialogue which will place the file into the project.

OK, now we're at the stage of linking it up. Right click the project and select "Options". In the Project Options dialogue go down to the "Build" section and select the "iPhone Application". Here you'll see the "Application Icon" option where you can select the icon from the list.