Monday, July 28, 2014
Is your Business Objects Server running at CPU 99% load?
Monday, July 21, 2014
Changing the collation of a SQL Server database
If a SQL Server instance has been created using the wrong default collation, it can be a bit of a pain if you try to access the TempDB.
Luckily there is a way to fix this.
1) Logon to the server
2) Backup all the existing database (Note: The collections of existing databases won’t change on the system DBs and any new User database created using the default collation!)
3) Delete/Remove any existing database; this is not specifically needed, but it’s not a bad idea as it will confirm that you have a backup.
4) Open a command window with elevated permissions.
5) Go to the default SQL Server installation directory by typing:
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\SQLServer2008R2
6) Enter the following command:
Note; /INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER is the name of the default instance
Important: “/SQLCOLLATION=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS” was just chosen at random
7) Restore the backup databases.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Adventures with hMailServer
Today I was asked to create a testing mail server; something that can read email from a test webapp and redirect it to another account. This allows developers to see how a test web application send/receives mail without having all the overhead of changing the settings in the database.
Installing HMailServer
Get the software from out share: \\ap-nas-isln-01\Data-WGPSN-AU-Perth\EPF\BSG\Downloads\Hmail or from the official website :
Copy the install file to your server.
Run hMailServer-5.4.1-B1951.exe (or whatever version you use)
Click Next / Accept the licence agreement and click Next
Pick the default installation location (or another if needed).
Choose “Full Installation” and Click Next
Choose “External database” click Next. and Next Again
Enter an admin password (e.g. Pa55word ) and Click Next
Click Install.
Enter the password again and Click OK
Click Next
Create a “New” database on first install of choose an existing one if required. Click “Next”
I’m using SQL Server so I picked that and clicked Next.
Enter the server connection details; I used a Windows authentication account as the <DOMAIN>\<ServerName>$ account had access to the SQL Server. Click Next and Next again… Next Again to Finish and then Close.
You should see the message above.
Configuring HMailServer
First thing you’ll see will be the Admin connection window.
Double click the “Localhost” entry.
Click “Add domain”
Enter the domain name you wish to use and click “Save”.
Expand the “Accounts” node and click “Add”
Add a User and Password for testing and click Save.
Expand the “Setting\Advanced\Auto-ban” node and uncheck Auto-ban. (I do this because I’m running the system on the same machine as my webapps).
Click Save and then Exit.
Uninstalling HMailServer
Click Start/hMailServer/Installation/Uninstall hMailServer
Click “Yes” that you are sure you wish to remove the component.
Click OK.
Note: This will not remove the external SQL database (if you used one). Use SQL Manager to do that step.
Also I’d advise removing the folder from the server as the INI settings are left on the server, in case you every reinstall.
Connecting up your outlook account
Start Outlook
Choose File/Add Account and click “Manually Configure server settings” click Next.
Choose “Internet Email” and click Next
Enter the various details as required, being sure to select “IMAP” as the Account Type. Also the Username should be FDN (e.g. then click : “More Settings…”
In the “Outgoing Server” tab select “My outgoing SMTP requires Authentication and select “Use same settings ad my incoming mail server”. Click OK
You should see the above if everything went well.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Configuring Business Objects Explorer for SSO
I had a few issues with configuring a Business Objects Server this morning for integration with Single-Sign-On. For some reason the changes I made in the configurations just did not seem to work correctly then looking up the details.
After a few iterations I came up with the follow and figured it would be good to keep them in case I ever needed them again.
1) Edit the file in the folder “<Program files>\SAP BusinessObjects\Tomcat6\webapps\explorer\WEB-INF\classes\”
Uncomment the “sso.vintela” and set the other values to match the environment.
Further down the list make these changes too.
and further down again change these.
2) Restart the server…..
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Strange CSC build Error in Visual Studio
Today I had one of those really horrible Visual Studio errors that just would not go away …
OK .. Message seemed simple enough, I’m missing a reference to the DataAccess assembly, which was breaking with a compilation error … So I check the solution to make sure WGPSN.Utility has been referenced and everything looked fine…
Reference is correct and when I compile WGPNS.Utility it’s building correctly. Weird …… ???
I went through the usual stuff like making sure that everything was building against the same version of .NET Framework (4.5) and everything was set correctly.
Solution !!
The reason for this error was nothing to do with the code but the Build Order for the solution …
Right click the solution file and select “Project Build Order”.
WGPSN.DataAccess was before WGPSN.Utility??? Why?? DataAccess references Utility and therefore the build should be Utility first then DataAccess.
Click the “Dependencies” tab and select the offending project “WGPSN.DataAccess” and it has not dependencies on “WGPWN.Utility”? That was not correct as once a project is referenced, that project should be built before the project that is using the reference.
Check the WGPSN.Utility and click “OK”.
All the problems went away.
I really don’t understand why this problem occurred as these settings are usually automatically controlled by Visual Studio, but keep your eyes out for it.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Getting AD Users into your database
I had one of ‘those’ requirements the other day where I had a WebApp that needed to see all the Users information from Active Directory; however I also had to show details from the internal database. It’s one of the requirements that popup from time to time and has about 50 different options for implementation.
In this case I just wanted to have a nightly job to populate a simple table that I could query. Going direct to AD using code was to slow as there where about 20000 records and they where nested into 20 levels of folders.
The solution was to create a few simple stored procedures:
The first was to get all the Users from a provided folder name;
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetUsersFromRoot] ( @root as varchar(1000), @name as varchar(100) = '' )
-- get the
DECLARE @sqlString as varchar(1000)
SET @sqlString = 'SELECT '''+ @root+''' as OU, sn, givenName, lower(sAMAccountName), company, lower(userPrincipalName) FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, ''SELECT givenName, sn, sAMAccountName, company, userPrincipalName FROM ''''LDAP://' + @root + ''''' WHERE objectClass=''''Person'''' AND objectClass=''''User'''' AND sAMAccountName='''''+@name+'*'''''')';
EXECUTE ( @sqlString )
The second was to get all the OU’s in the folder; this would be used for a recursive search.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetOUsFromRoot] ( @root as varchar(1000) )
-- get the
DECLARE @sqlString as varchar(2000)
SET @sqlString = 'SELECT ''' + @root + ''' as RootOU, distinguishedName FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, ''<LDAP://' + @root + '>;(&(objectClass=organizationalUnit));distinguishedName;onelevel'')';
EXECUTE ( @sqlString )
Now that we have these, we have something that will bind these all together…
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetADUsers] ( @root as varchar(1000) )
DECLARE @rootOUError as varchar(1000);
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ous') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ouUsers
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ouUsers') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ous
-- create user table if needed
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Users]') AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE Users ( OU varchar(1000), LastName varchar(100), Firstname varchar(100), LanId varchar(100), Company varchar(100), Email varchar(100)) ;
-- create temp tables
CREATE TABLE #ous ( RootOU varchar(1000), OU varchar(1000), error bit)
SELECT OU, LastName, Firstname, LanId, Company, Email INTO #ouUsers FROM dbo.Users WHERE 1=2; -- get round Collation issue
EXEC dbo.GetADUsersSub @root
-- recurse search any OU that had an error
SET @ouErrorCursor = CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT OU FROM #ous WHERE error=1 AND RootOU = @root
OPEN @ouErrorCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM @ouErrorCursor INTO @rootOUError
-- Get all users with the OU
PRINT 'Error reported on ' + @rootOUError + ' so running against that OU.'
EXECUTE dbo.GetADUsersSub @rootOUError
FETCH NEXT FROM @ouErrorCursor INTO @rootOUError
The procedure above will create our Temp table for the data and then kick off a recursive search for any folders within the root folder.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetADUsersSub] ( @root as varchar(1000) )
------- Main procedure
DECLARE @alpha as int;
DECLARE @rootOU as varchar(1000);
DECLARE @message as varchar(1000);
DECLARE @rootOUError as varchar(1000);
-- Get all OUs within this root
INSERT INTO #ous ( RootOU, OU ) EXECUTE dbo.GetOUsFromRoot @root;
OPEN @ouUserCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM @ouUserCursor INTO @rootOU
-- Get all users with the OU
-- Loop over each character from A-Z as a simple way to Window the query
-- ADSI interface has a 900 entry limit which is a limitation to stop DOS attacks
-- increasing this limit is an option but for the moment this is a simple way to extract everything
SET @alpha = 65; -- start at 'A'
WHILE @alpha < 91
DECLARE @character as char;
SET @character = char(@alpha);
INSERT INTO #ouUsers ( OU, LastName, firstname, lanid, company, email ) EXECUTE dbo.GetUsersFromRoot @rootOU, @character;
SET @alpha = @alpha+1
-- Execute the error retrieval routine.
PRINT 'ERROR: getting OU data ' + @rootOU + '(' + @message + ')';
-- loog the error
UPDATE #ous set error=1 where OU = @rootOU;
FETCH NEXT FROM @ouUserCursor INTO @rootOU
CLOSE @ouUserCursor
DEALLOCATE @ouUserCursor
-- Clean up the OU Names by removing anything without an email
UPDATE #ouUsers set OU = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(OU, @root, ''), 'OU=', ''),',','')
MERGE dbo.Users AS T
USING (SELECT DISTINCT OU, LastName, Firstname, LanId, Company, Email FROM #ouUsers WHERE LanID is not null and Email is not null) AS S
ON (T.LanId = S.LanId)
UPDATE SET T.OU = S.OU, T.LastName = S.LastName, T.Firstname = S.Firstname, T.Company = S.Company, T.Email = S.Email
INSERT (OU, LastName, Firstname, LanId, Company, Email) VALUES (OU, LastName, Firstname, LanId, Company, Email);
PRINT 'Cleaning out Users Table';
PRINT 'run the procedure for any OUs in error';
SET @ouErrorCursor = CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT OU FROM #ous WHERE error=1 AND RootOU = @root
OPEN @ouErrorCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM @ouErrorCursor INTO @rootOUError
-- Get all users with the OU
PRINT 'Error reported on ' + @rootOUError + ' so running against that OU.'
EXECUTE dbo.GetADUsersSub @rootOUError
FETCH NEXT FROM @ouErrorCursor INTO @rootOUError
Above; we get round the limits on AD queries by going via the alphabet, All A’s, B’s, C’s etc…. It’s not fast but it was easier than getting the network limits changed.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Attending ThoughtWorks Hang out today
I had the good fortune to attend the ThoughtWorks technology Radar presentation this morning .. Reviewing the Radar gave me some ideas for new technologies on the horizon, but most importantly which technologies and frameworks that I can safely ignore for a few more months.
It’s well worth a review…
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Primavera filter error
Today an old issue raised it head… When creating a filter on the a specific field caused an error is displayed to the User.
This issue addressed with a Primavera HotFix file that was released from Oracle for P6 SP 3.
Copy the file: PM.EXE hotfix file which you can download from the support site, over the existing PM.EXE file on the client PC. This can usually be located in the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\Primavera P6\Project Management” folder.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
List of Items in Business Objects
Today one of the Users asked if it was possible to update the list of items that appear in a query list….
For example, the list above shows all months in 2014 .. they only want to see dates in 2013 and 2014.
You can do this using Information Designer.
1) Open the Universe
2) Select the “Parameters List of Values option”
3) Edit the existing list or create a new one.
4) Edit the Query and change the name
5) Add the additional values you want in the list and click OK.
7) Next ensure that the filter/field in the Universe is associated with the correct list
8) Click on “Business Layer” and the field; then click “Advanced”
9) Publish the Universe.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
CHM file is blank when opened
Today I was downloading some API documentation which was in CHM format. The problem is the files where blank when I opened them!
The solution was simple…. Just right click on the file in windows Explorer and click the “Unblock” button on the General tab.
Now when you open the file the document information is shown.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Running an SSRS report against SharePoint
One of the things that comes up again and again is having the ability to run reports against SharePoint Lists. You create the report like you would any other using Visual Studio and deploy it to your sever.
You set the report to run against a list and as a specific user.
Click on the down arrow and selecting the “Manage option”
In the DataSource Tab ensure you are using a custom data source selected with the details set such as URL and Username and Password.
Click “Test Connection” and it will confirm that everything is working correctly
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Nintex workflow Inline functions
Found a handy post that lists all the Nintex workflow inline functions.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Compressing PDF files with Nitro PDF
Today I had a problem getting a file sent to to a client. The issue was that the PDF was running to 32Mb in size and the email limits where stoping transport. The solution was to "Optimise" the document.
Open the doc in Nitro PDF; select File / Optimize
Select "Web" and click "Optimize" button .. simple. After a few seconds you end up with a file just under 6Mb!