Thursday, January 30, 2014

CHM file is blank when opened

Today I was downloading some API documentation which was in CHM format.  The problem is the files where blank when I opened them!


The solution was simple…. Just right click on the file in windows Explorer and click the “Unblock” button on the General tab.


Now when you open the file the document information is shown.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Running an SSRS report against SharePoint

One of the things that comes up again and again is having the ability to run reports against SharePoint Lists. You create the report like you would any other using Visual Studio and deploy it to your sever.

You set the report to run against a list and as a specific user.

Click on the down arrow and selecting the “Manage option”


In the DataSource Tab ensure you are using a custom data source selected with the details set such as URL and Username and Password.


Click “Test Connection” and it will confirm that everything is working correctly

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Nintex workflow Inline functions

Found a handy post that lists all the Nintex workflow inline functions.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Compressing PDF files with Nitro PDF

Today I had a problem getting a file sent to to a client. The issue was that the PDF was running to 32Mb in size and the email limits where stoping transport. The solution was to "Optimise" the document.

Open the doc in Nitro PDF; select File / Optimize


Select "Web" and click "Optimize" button .. simple. After a few seconds you end up with a file just under 6Mb!