Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Workflow work-around made easy

I had a typical User request today, you know the type of thing “We have a rules that says ‘Reporting is always to Managers’, but we’ve these two people people who are ‘Manager’, but report to other ‘Managers’”.  “Simple”, I said", “Just don’t call them Managers”.. “Ahh yeah..but we can’t do that!” was the reply. You know yourself usual things we get thrown every now and again.  So I figured I could do something that was a little but better than just the usual big “If” statement, so I’ve implemented the Strategy Pattern.

Before the good stuff

The code used to look like this a big if statement which did a recursive call to itself, if the person was a Manager, Divisional Manager, Director or CEO then that was fine, if not try the next person.

/// <summary>
/// Finds the next in line by post ID.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Id">The id.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ReportingStructure FindNextInLineByPostID(string Id)
IList<ReportingStructure> records = ReportingStructure.FindAll(Expression.Eq("PostId", Id));
if (records.Count > 0)
{   // OK now we have to check if this is a department or overseas Manager by the title
    if (records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Department Manager") ||
        records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Overseas Manager") ||
        records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Divisional") ||
        records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Director") ||
        records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Chief Executive Officer")
        return records[0];
    // not an exec so move up the line
    return NextInLine(records[0].ReportsToPostId);
return null;

So I figured, hey I’ll just hard code in the two exceptions; but then it occurred to me that this could (and probably would) change over time.  More exceptions would be added, more code and next year it might all change again.

Getting down with Strategy

This is really easy once you get your head around it.  First we create an abstract class with an abstract method.  This will be the blue-print for the class we’ll use for our reporting strategy.

abstract class ReportingStrategy
    public abstract ReportingStructure NextInLine(string Id);

Next we create a concrete class that contains the code we want to implement.

internal class Reporting2010 : ReportingStrategy
    public override ReportingStructure NextInLine(string Id)
        IList<ReportingStructure> records = ReportingStructure.FindAll(Expression.Eq("PostId", Id));
        if (records.Count > 0)
        {   // OK now we have to check if this is a department Manager or overseas
            if (records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Department Manager") ||
                records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Department Manager") ||
                records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Divisional") ||
                records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Director") ||
                records[0].JobTitleDescription.Contains("Chief Executive Officer")
                return records[0];
            // not an exec so move up the line
            return NextInLine(records[0].ReportsToPostId);
        return null;

As you will see this is the same workflow logic as before but now it’s out on it’s own in its own class.

Finally we update the context class to make use of this new object. I’ve clipped out all the other code to make it easier to read.

    public class ReportingStructure 

        #region Private Members

        private ReportingStrategy _reportingStrategy = new Reporting2010();

public ReportingStructure FindNextInLineByPostID(string Id)
    return _reportingStrategy.NextInLine(Id);



So what does that give us?

Well, now if I want to make a change to the 2010 workflow I can simply update a small specific class, which can also be use in other places if needed.  More importantly however I can create any number of specific new workflows and rules and just swap out the private member to point to the right one.  I can even make it public or build it into the constructer to allow dependency injection.

e.g.   ReportingStructure reporting = new ReportingStructure (new Reporting2011());

or     ReportingStructure reprting = new ReportingStructure();
        reporting.Workflow = new (ReportingWhatEverIWant();